and everybody is used to seeing you that way. Most people are terribly unobservant. It's our "guilt com- plex" that creates huge monsters after ua all the time. (((ED. Note: As a further aid in this hair problem, make a point of observing others for a few days. You will be surprised at the amount of hair some women have on arms and legs making no attempt to remove it. Conversely you will note quite a number of men whose hair is quite sparse without having shaved it.)))
One bit of reading I recommend to all our girl friends: It's VENUS CASTINA, published by A.J. Cronin It contains fascinating material on cross-dressing, going as far back as Greek Mythology. One thing I didn't know (among many others) we TV's have a goddess of our own. It is Venus Castina, who, according to ancient mythology was the goddess who "responded with sympathy to the yearn- ings of feminine souls locked up in masculine bodies." Which shows there is nothing new or unusual about TV. Its been done ever since Adam borrowed Eve's fig leaf one day when he misplaced his own. Be sure that I'm going to build a little shrine to Venus Castina at the resort. The book has a whole chapter on the Roman Emp- erors who enjoyed masquerading as gals...another on the boy actresses of Shakesperean days etc. Its being sold around N.Y. for about 3. No fiction, just history
Recently met the "Coquettes", a fascinating case of a husband and wife team who are earning their living as two sisters. They are both excellent violinists and have perfected extremely nice routines for night club work. The odd part of the act is that he does not re- veal himself as an impersonator. The public goes home thinking they saw two very attractive girl entertainers. They came to the Che. d'Eon Club. The husband (Diane) was utterly flabergasted upon seeing our pix collection. He never realized we were so many. As a matter of fact he didnt have any TV contacts. As an impersonator he is fabulous. He goes about in girl's clothes most of the time (that's the way he came to visit us) and he made